S o n d e r


In the midst of our busy lives, there comes a moment of revelation - *a moment of sonder*. It's the understanding that every person we encounter, every passerby on our path, carries within them a life as vivid and complex as our own. It's easy to get caught up in our own world, consumed by our own joys and struggles. But sonder invites us to *look beyond ourselves, to see the beauty and intricacies of those around us*. Each person has their own dreams, their own fears, their own triumphs, and their own sorrows. We are all on this journey together, interconnected in various shared experiences. May we see the worth and value in every soul we encounter. And approach life with empathy, kindness, and a genuine desire to understand and appreciate *the stories that unfold around us.*

Unit name LMWRNFT
Creator wallet address
Asset URL
Total Supply 1
Circulating Supply

0.14 (14.0%)

Reserve Supply

0.86 (86.0%)

Burned Amount

0 (0.0%)



Creation Round


Manager Address

Reserve Address

Freeze Address

Clawback Address

Date of Creation June 6, 2023, 2:14 a.m. UTC
Network mainnet

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