[BUB] - teste Taiane


This contract was generated by Better Use Blockchain (BUB), a company specialized in protecting and storing data using Algorand technology. Encryption protocols ensure that your information remains safe and secure against any cyber threats. The information in this contract can only be decrypted by its owner, with the exclusive security key provided at the time of registration in the BUB platform. Want to learn more about how Better Use Blockchain protects your data? Visit our website: https://Betteruseblockchain.com

Unit name BUB00048
Creator wallet address
Asset URL
Total Supply 1
Circulating Supply

1 (100.0%)

Reserve Supply

0 (0.0%)

Burned Amount

0 (0.0%)



Creation Round


Manager Address

Not set

Reserve Address

Not set

Freeze Address

Not set

Clawback Address

Not set
Date of Creation April 15, 2024, 5:21 p.m. UTC
Network mainnet


Holders (1)


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Transaction ID Block From To Amount Type Age
Transaction ID
Block 37963373
Type Asset Config
Date 1 month, 3 weeks

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