
Dark Coin Champs

The Dark Coin Champs are an ARC19 series with swappable traits. Dark Coin Champions are being integrated into the Dark Coin Arena, where users can battle one another, or band together against boss enemies, to climb the leaderboard and win prizes! This collection includes the base layer traits, plus one additional trait. Gen1 traits will be minted and listed as their own separate collection. Collect and swap more traits to give your character an edge in battle, or just for fashion!

VOLUME (24H) √7,452

Node Keepers

Join the rebellion!

VOLUME (24H) √999


BLOPS! is the V2 collection of the AlgOctopus project. It's a collection of 1,888 hand-drawn and generated NFTs that strives to invade all humans on the Algorand blockchain.

VOLUME (24H) √804

2 tinyhorse

VOLUME (24H) √724
FLOOR √369

Shitty Kitties Fourth Litter

Fourth Litter is a collection of 2,405 shitty, hand-drawn NFT kitties on the Algorand blockchain and is the final Litter in the Shitty Kitties family.

VOLUME (24H) √459


The Moo Collection is a project of unique NFT PFPs. Drawn in pencil and digitally finalized one by one.

VOLUME (24H) √300

Pixel Pups

1000 Pixelated Pyrenees Pups playing on the Algorand Blockchain.

VOLUME (24H) √275
FLOOR √888

BROMO : Algolem Mutants

Bromo is Legendary Algolem who gains strength from experiments and infections by parasite. They have 8 1/1 handrawn and 880 mutant army ready to protect Algofam until the end of the world.

VOLUME (24H) √249

skuli frens

VOLUME (24H) √238

Crazy Goose Flock

The Crazy Goose Flock is a collection of 4,444 Crazy Goose NFTs minted on the Algorand Blockchain.

VOLUME (24H) √222
FLOOR √250

Crazy Kids

The beautifully mutated, delightful off-spring. CEC v3

VOLUME (24H) √210

Wicked Prince

AlgoWickedKing Gen2: 999 Wicked Princes living in the Algorand Blockchain

VOLUME (24H) √208.99

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