Inner transaction of H47FMZJJU672…

Application Call
1 inner txn

Application ID

On Completion



Transaction details

Inner transactions

Type From To Amount

Balance impact

Address Balance After Balance Impact



110,094.31 AF-BANK

≈ $110,563.31

After Balance

109,985.75 AF-BANK

≈ $110,454.29


-108.5576 AF-BANK

≈ -$109.02

Application args

* c2Vm


Foreign Applications

* 841165954

Foreign Assets

Application global state delta

Key Type Action Value
Key: cf1
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 6,914,414
Key: cv1
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 6,932,849,682
Key: cv2
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 1,339,739,987,155
Key: a1r
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 1,462,779
Key: b1
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 502,442,500
Key: b2
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 109,704,244,673
Key: lt
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 1,678,116,599
Key: ct12
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 2,934,586,707,414,941,088
Key: ct21
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 78,783,609,610,057
Key: cv21
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 36,293,760,168,716,930

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