Transaction overview of KLRJUKHT6TNC…

Application Call
1 inner txn

Application ID

On Completion



Transaction details

Inner transactions

Type From To Amount

Balance impact

Address Balance After Balance Impact



24.5078 ALGO

After Balance

30.7459 ALGO


+6.238024 ALGO



386.8011 ALGO

After Balance

380.5611 ALGO


-6.24 ALGO

Application args

* Y2xhaW0=


Application local state delta

Address Key Type Action Value
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x0000000000000131
Type uint
Action Set
Value 2,250,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x0000000000000137
Type uint
Action Set
Value 2,190,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x0000000000000139
Type uint
Action Set
Value 2,170,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x000000000000013c
Type uint
Action Set
Value 2,140,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x000000000000014e
Type uint
Action Set
Value 1,960,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x0000000000000140
Type uint
Action Set
Value 2,100,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x0000000000000144
Type uint
Action Set
Value 2,060,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x0000000000000146
Type uint
Action Set
Value 2,040,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x0000000000000149
Type uint
Action Set
Value 2,010,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x000000000000014b
Type uint
Action Set
Value 1,990,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x000000000000015f
Type uint
Action Set
Value 1,790,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x0000000000000153
Type uint
Action Set
Value 1,910,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x0000000000000161
Type uint
Action Set
Value 1,770,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x0000000000000163
Type uint
Action Set
Value 1,750,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x000000000000017d
Type uint
Action Set
Value 1,490,000
Address M5ZJ...NO24
Key 0x000000000000017b
Type uint
Action Set
Value 1,510,000

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