Inner transaction of LLYYE7LJ72F5…

Application Call
1 inner txn

Application ID

On Completion



Transaction details

Inner transactions

Type From To Amount

Balance impact

Address Balance After Balance Impact



36,620.79 AF-BANK

≈ $37,776.17

After Balance

36,602.89 AF-BANK

≈ $37,757.71


-17.8956 AF-BANK

≈ -$18.46

Application args

* c2Vm


Foreign Applications

* 841165954

Foreign Assets

Application global state delta

Key Type Action Value
Key: cf1
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 17,179,596,012
Key: cv1
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 41,758,072,402,929
Key: cv2
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 41,532,395,919,520
Key: a1r
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 7,163,880
Key: b1
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 37,080,197,129
Key: b2
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 36,596,383,237
Key: lt
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 1,690,768,979
Key: ct12
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 30,263,897,241,440,188
Key: ct1t2r
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 986,253,841,530
Key: ct21
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 29,907,471,012,848,664
Key: cv12
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 18,039,161,226,580,973,856
Key: cv21
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 12,214,163,441,161,943,764
Key: l1t2p
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 1,013,827,392
Key: l2t1p
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 986,361,196

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