Transaction overview of RNNY6BA2C3ST…

Application Call

Application ID

On Completion



Transaction details

Balance impact

Address Balance After Balance Impact



8.57004 ALGO

After Balance

8.56904 ALGO


-0.001 ALGO



Base 64{"version":2,"description":"Pudding Pioneers are $PUPO's original set of 96 PNFTs created in honor of the 96 indivuals that took place in the inagural airdrop. Each Pudding Pioneer has a unique quote and a randomized power between 2-3x, which increases $PUPO Rewards and will also give increased power in Assessment, PUPO's upcoming game. \n\n50% of the proceeds of all sales on AB2 will be sent to the $PUPO Reserve for future initiatives, voted on by the community.","sensitiveContent":false}


Application args

* DKSQpSk6uhXzxdS0e95blhMu8/hEMQ3M+cfTVb+CZ08=

* DGoUfA==

* AxrUkA==

* AQ==

* AQ==

Application global state delta

Key Type Action Value
Key: ca
Type: bytes
Action: Set
Value: Hu670KskxEK9RHiVjguzVC3jLaY/Uj6C3v/Ti7v1qhI=
Key: id
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 208,278,652
Key: mq
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 1
Key: ra
Type: bytes
Action: Set
Value: DKSQpSk6uhXzxdS0e95blhMu8/hEMQ3M+cfTVb+CZ08=
Key: ua
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 1
Key: up
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 52,090,000
Key: us
Type: uint
Action: Set
Value: 0

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